In 1972, the tiny, remote kingdom of Bhutan came up with the idea of measuring gross national happiness rather than gross national product as an index of progress. The United Nations has just come out with its seventh “World Happiness Report“. “Happiness economics” is a new field that will keep academics occupied.
A new field?
Writing 2500 years ago, Aristotle would wonder about why it took so long. Slavic people would wonder what took Aristotle so long. They thought about the subject 1000 years before him. “Luck” and “happiness” are synonyms in Slavic languages.
What about happiness versus contentment?
Three-day conferences on the subject, coming up.
Now, the Monday Morning Millionaire Program is about money management. For thousands of years, the relationship between money and contentment has occupied philosophers. The Satisfaction with Life Index shown above, strongly suggests that there is a direct connection between economic strength and happiness.
Even though it has been said that happiness is a matter of disposition and not of circumstance, the Monday Morning Millionaire Program will continue to focus on improving members’ economic circumstances.
It is as straightforward as practicing the habits of highly effective investors.
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