I am the author of Monday Morning Millionaire and the creator of the Monday Morning Millionaire Program. I practiced dentistry for over 50 years and have as much do-it-yourself investing experience. From that, I know that you can make more money on a Monday morning before breakfast than you ever did in your best week at work. The Monday Morning Millionaire Program is my step-by-step process that will allow you to outperform the market and to become a confident and successful do-it-yourself (DIY) investor.
The Monday Morning Millionaire Program team has four self-made, multimillionaire do-it-yourself investors one of whom is on the advisory committee for a $US3 billion American state county portfolio.
I also have a business background. In 1996 I, along with my son, B. Eng. & Mgt., MBA, created Tenax Implant Inc. We manufactured and distributed dental implants in Canada, South Korea, and the Caribbean. It took three years, four patents, ISO certification and a million dollars of investors’ money to reach that status. Only three other Canadian dentists have done so.
With my staff of six capable assistants, I ran patient implant treatment courses in these countries to teach implant treatment to colleagues. We have launched the implant careers of some 500 dentists.
In 2008, we bought out the 10 Tenax shareholders and changed the company from an implant manufacturing operation to a holding company. It now only invests in the stock market.
About the same time that I started my career in dentistry, I befriended a lawyer who was an active investor. That sparked my interest in also becoming a DIY investor. I have invested in all sorts of securities and found the best results come from owning a US market index exchange-traded fund in my core and “explore” portfolios and occasionally selling derivatives in the “explore” portfolio. A high net worth friend whose portfolio is managed by others was so impressed with my results that she suggested that I make that system public. Following her suggestion, I launched the Monday Morning Millionaire Program to be able to share my knowledge with a broader audience.

The Monday Morning Millionaire Program supports do-it-yourself (DIY) investors which I have been for over 50 years. About my team and me
Opinions, ideas and processes expressed here are those of the Monday Morning Millionaire Program. The Monday Morning Millionaire Program does not provide professional financial or investment services, nor does he provide financial, investment, legal, or accounting advice. The material in his book and website is for information purposes only and is not intended to address the reader’s investment requirements.
There is no guarantee that the future performance of the approach herein will resemble past performance, nor can this information be construed as an offer to buy, hold, or sell securities, or as a recommendation for any product or service by the Monday Morning Millionaire Program.
The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. Investing in the stock market is risky and can cause substantial loss. Before investing, readers should consult a competent professional and determine what kinds of investments are suitable for them.
The Monday Morning Millionaire Program makes no representations or warranties about the information in the book and is not liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of the use of this book.
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