Should people who refuse a COVID-19 vaccine face certain restrictions? July 23, 2021 Survey results

Greetings everyone,

Time is valuable and irreplaceable! A sincere thank you to all those who took the time to respond!

On Friday, July 23, 2021, we asked our members and subscribers: “Do you think people who refuse to get vaccinated for COVID-19 should face certain restrictions on where they can go and what they can do?”

You can see the results below.

Yes 76.5%
No 19.6%
On the fence ( I am undecided.) 3.9%

Respondents’ comments are below.

M. S. DDS, FAGD, Collingwood ON

Yes. Stupidity is not a crime but when it has the potential to hurt others, it should be.


K. B. DDS, Markham ON

Yes. Absolutely.  When the vaccine is approved for children 6 – 12, I think there should be restrictions on in school attendance (ie only those fully vaccinated should get in person schooling. No vaccine, no in person, simple). Same for attendance at sports, or concerts. Perhaps separate mall hours for unvaccinated. Plane travel for sure ( separate unvaccinated flights).


D. R. DDS, Sudbury ON

Yes. Trust the science.


J. W., Optometrist Erin ON

No. Privacy and personal rights are eliminated by the mandating of any medical procedure, especially one which has yet to be approved so remains experimental and is presently unproven and for emergency use only as it says on each batch that is distributed.


J. M. DDS, St. Catharines ON


1. They are the ones that are getting in the way of many small businesses opening up.

2. In Canada, we all share the cost of their in-hospital treatment. If they want to pick up that cost, their non vax choice is on them.


P. J. C., Investment banker, Miami Fla

Undecided. On the assumption that the vaccines do protect us absolutely, the risk of non-vaccinated people is theirs, except for propagation of a possible new variant that would not otherwise happen. Furthermore, they create a burden on our health services that we all pay for.

But, over time, the disease will spread as will resulting immunity.


J. S. DDS, Oshawa ON

Yes. Just like school, no vaccines, no fly.


I. H. DDS, St. Catharines ON

If one can conclusively prove that the non-vaxed person spread the disease to you, you should be allowed to sue them.  That way we may be able to raise the IQ of Canada by a few points.  Remember when the “rod” was the way to teach?


L. B. DDS, St. John’s Newfoundland

It would seem that covid is imposing it’s own form of restrictions on anyone not fully vaccinated. This still will give the virus the time to mutate so the vaccine may be less effective. Also the world has some 8 billion people not vaccinated.


L. McT. DDS, Whitby ON

Yes. Nothing punitive, of course; just reasonable public health protections.


G. C. DDS, Etobicoke ON

No. Of course not.


D. C. Orthodontist, Langley City BC

Yes. Unvaccinated individuals possibly could  spread covid to vulnerable people  and may facilitate development of new variants.


J. McG. MD, General Surgeon, Collingwood, ON

Yes. Refuseniks should be restricted, as necessary to protect the public on public property, and private owners should exercise their rights as they see fit.  If Republicans want to be killed by other Republicans it should be allowed in a free country!


B. C. DDS, Little Current ON

Yes. Although I said yes, this will never happen in Canada. Might hurt someone’s feelings.


E. G. DMD, New Britain CT

Yes. The people that refuse vaccines are a danger to everyone else.  Unless they have a real medical reason to refuse they should have restrictions.   Also, the tax payers should not be responsible for any medical costs, lost work, or other expenses that they incur as a direct result of their refusal.


L. M. DDS, Port Allen, Louisiana

No. If you are vaccinated what are you worried about if it is effective? If you have already had it, you are naturally vaccinated to a higher level in many studies.


M. R. Music Instrument Sales Co. CEO, Toronto ON

Yes. The onus is on the over 50 age group, the sick and those who are in any other way vulnerable to vaccinate themselves before going into crowds or anyplace where there is a high risk of exposure. No need to force young people to get the jab, until we TRULY know what are the long-term effects.


A. B. DDS, New York City NY

Yes. I understand why people are reluctant to be vaccinated but this is a terrible disease and it will continue killing people. We must stop it and vaccinations are the only true hope!



No. My brother took the vaccine in March 10 then 2 weeks after, he suddenly lost his sense of taste. He told his renal doctors, but his swab test keep showing negative. Then he became weak and had nausea. He just laid on the couch and had sore throat, sniffles. He went to ER.  They gave him antifungal mouthwash and antibiotic but his health got worse with vomiting and diarrhea. He decided to stop his hemodialysis at the hospital to shorten his suffering as it was so obvious that the doctors couldn’t help him. He was left too long, too late. He passed away in mid-May. I reported to CDC  and they asked for my postal code and age. I received a flyer propaganda saying that the vaccine is safe etc. I found out that only I got it which means they target those who had bad experience with the vaccine and try to deny it. The government is lying to us. They had been corrupted, they don’t care about the people. Ivermectin could have saved him. Please go to FLCCC website.




Dr. Milan Somborac

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