Questions about moving securities into US ETFs


I have approximately 1/3 of my investments in US and 2/3 in CAD. I’m going to start transferring funds from my financial adviser to my iTrade portfolio, starting with my US stock. I have some questions:

1. Should I transfer my stocks in kind? That way, I can pick and choose which ones I sell and re-invest in ETF.
2. Which Canadian and US ETF’s should I be looking at? A good portion of my portfolio is dividend based.
3. Should I sell only small blocks of stock to purchase the ETFs? There are several stocks that I would take a loss on and they are in my RRSP.

Monday Morning Millionaire Program Answer:

Since you are new to the Monday Morning Millionaire Program, if you read or re-read HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE INVESTORS, you will understand the reasoning behind our answers

Eliminating foreign content restrictions in registered portfolios was one of the greatest gifts Canadian investors have had from their government. Since the crash of 2008/2009, the Canadian market has gone exactly nowhere. During the same period, the S&P 500 has risen an incredible 400% until the reversal of late 2018!

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Dr. Milan Somborac

The Monday Morning Millionaire Program supports do-it-yourself (DIY) investors which I have been for over 50 years. About my team and me