The case against picking stocks and our fearless, intrepid investor’s performance and plans for today, Monday, November 14

As we frequently state, historically, 1.) over the long term, 2.) properly selected US market index exchange-traded funds, 3.) held in tax-advantaged accounts, 4.) in an appropriate asset allocation, have been the investors’ best way for growing savings and are likely to remain so for many years. Examples are easy to find. Here is another […]

Getting Started

The Monday Morning Millionaire Program will show you how to outperform more than 90% of professionally actively managed funds, guaranteed.  At the same time, over an investing lifetime, you can save a year’s income by avoiding adviser fees. Investors can do that by buying and holding a US market index-tracking exchange traded fund (ETF).  For […]

Profit-taking, market-timing? How to benefit and what to consider.

As we frequently state, historically, 1.) over the long term, 2.) properly selected US market index exchange-traded funds, 3.) held in tax-advantaged accounts, 4.) in an appropriate asset allocation, have been the investors best way for growing savings and are likely to remain so for many years. Note that talk about the US market Index. […]

Inflation, decency! What can we learn from Mark Twain?

We are familiar with Mark Twain’s book Adventures of Tom Sawyer, published in 1879. Tom stumbles upon a box of gold which the adults invest for him while giving him an allowance of one dollar a day. One dollar today buys 3.6% of what Tom’s dollar bought in 1876. The average inflation rate  since that […]

Why can’t dentists (and most other professionals) afford to retire?

WHY CAN’T DENTISTS AFFORD TO RETIRE? I have orchestrated thousands of private consultations with dentists throughout my career. Many hang a head in shame and regret about their bad financial decisions. Most say they are not ready to sell – they need to keep working. Need: it is a 4-letter word that is used to […]

The Motley Fool on asset allocation

Several of our members are enthusiastic about the Motley Fool. You can see the Motley Fool take on asset allocation below the line, precisely as they updated it on Jul 17, 2021. Respected investment experts agree that asset allocation is the most critical consideration for portfolio performance. Quoting David Swensen “…asset allocation accounts for the […]

The best way to hedge our portfolios during a bear market.

On January 3, the first trading day of this year, the S&P 500 reached an all-time high. From then on, it has been in a steady decline, with some fluctuations, even briefly reaching bear market territory recently. (A decline of 20% or more) If you search for how to deal with bear markets, you will […]

How much has the US stock market gone up over the long term? How can we benefit?

At 1:00 PM today, I will appear on the program Modern Investing on IBM TV with Sasha Starr. Here is the YouTube link: I will show a PowerPoint presentation that Monday Morning Program members understand well. You can watch it any time. We welcome your comments. Now, let us talk about the US stock market, […]