My personal portfolios, 02/11/19


I will occasionally publish with comments, our core portfolio and our “fun” portfolio holdings and the activity which took place on Monday. Following holiday Mondays, we will publish this information on Tuesdays.

CORE PORTFOLIO (tax-advantaged)

Following Paul Samuelson’s advice that investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow yesterday, Monday, 02/11/2019, as usual, I did nothing with this portfolio. (in April 2014, Paul Samuelson became the first American to win the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences.)

49.2% (five years’ worth of my usual annual income) of this portfolio is in a US Money Market Fund (TDB166).

A Money Market Fund is a near-money security, that is, a non-cash asset that does not fluctuate in value and can be quickly converted into cash. TDB166 is currently yielding 2.27% annually, the highest in a long time. A year or so ago, it paid in less than 0.5%.

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Dr. Milan Somborac

The Monday Morning Millionaire Program supports do-it-yourself (DIY) investors which I have been for over 50 years. About my team and me