A sincere thank you to all those who took part in our recent survey about the usefulness of the Monday Morning program and those who entered comments.
You can see the results below.
“The Monday Morning Millionaire Program objective is to help me be a better investor.”
Agree 97.4%, Neutral 2.6%, Disagree 0.0%
“The Monday Morning Millionaire Program offers useful support when I need it.”
Agree 64.1%, Neutral 33.3%, Disagree 2.6%
“I would recommend the Monday Morning Millionaire Program to others.”
Agree 89.7%, Neutral 10.3%, Disagree 0.0%
A SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) of these results shows that we need to concentrate on providing better, personally useful support to our members.
We will do a similar survey one year from now and hope that we see improvement.