The Monday Morning Millionaire Program just completed its first year of operations. We are proud to share our report card for the last twelve months and we want to thank our members for their support. If you have not done so already, please consider a gift membership to friends and relatives. Simply go to the bottom of the page and sign up where shown. Our members love us. Below, you can see why.
Over the last 12 months, our core portfolio grew 7.34% in a US market which grew 5.64%. (We use the S&P 500 to represent the US market.)
An A+ for beating the S&P 500 only by 1.70%?
Actually, the market grew 5.64%, our core portfolio grew 7.34%. That difference of 1.70% works out to a percentage difference is over 30%. After subtracting their fees, very few professionals can equal the market let alone beat it by over 30%.
Will next year’s report card look as good?
There is a fair chance that it will not. Over the course of a decade, the Monday Morning Millionaire Program roughly equals the US market, the best place to put savings.
Given the fact that our core portfolio asset allocation has such a large percentage in cash which creates a significant cash drag, we need several corrections (a drop of 10%) in any given year to create buying opportunities which allow us to outperform the market. The chart below shows the market performance over the last year.
Over the course of a decade, the Monday Morning Millionaire Program roughly equals the market. The major advantage is that it does so with only half the volatility which most economists consider to be a good measure of risk. That means that there is always a large percentage of cash to buy bargains and, equally important, to fund unexpected expenses without having to sell when the market is down.
By comparison, the Monday Morning Millionaire Program will almost certainly outperform most active investors and professional money managers.
Because we trade so infrequently, stockbrokers hate us. Because we encourage our members to be self-directed, (do-it-yourself investors), money managers hate us. Being hated for doing good feels all right.
Let us take a closer look at our program.
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