COVID-19 and sure-fire growth; one reliable approach

One of our consultants just sent me the link below:

He got it from another source; it is a useful update on the state of vaccine development.

The Monday Morning Program encourages passive investing with several years’ worth of living expenses kept in cash or cash-equivalent and not in the market. Over the course of a market cycle, investing within a regime of the six habits of Monday Morning Millionaires has outperformed over 95% of portfolios including professionally managed ones. Such investing will likely continue to outperform.

Nevertheless, several of our members have been selling covered calls on Novavax (NVAX) and making money in this falling market.

They will be encouraged to see NVAX included.

We have designed the Monday Morning Millionaire Program to offer abstracted investment education. Over the last two decades, the program has outperformed over 90% of portfolios, including professionally managed ones.

The program does not provide any investment advice or endorsements.

Members can read our posts in less than five minutes. Following and studying the links embedded in these posts would take longer. How members manage a post depends on their level of interest and investing knowledge.

Dr. Milan Somborac

The Monday Morning Millionaire Program supports do-it-yourself (DIY) investors which I have been for over 50 years. About my team and me