CNN Headline, September 28, 2021
The United States is heading for a cliff — and taking the world with it
Washington Post, September 21, 2021
“The United States could plunge into an immediate recession if Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling and the country defaults on its payment obligations this fall, according to one analysis released Tuesday.”
Financial Times, September 27, 2021
“Yellen says failure to increase borrowing limit would be ‘catastrophic’.”
CBS News, September 22, 2021
“The U.S. defaulting would likely precipitate a historic financial crisis…”
Wall Street Journal, September 24, 2021
“A default would cause major disruptions for individuals and businesses,”
Globe and Mail, September 14, 2021
“Investors are ramping up their focus on Washington, as the twin prospects of a tax hike and a potentially prolonged fight over raising the debt ceiling loom over a rally in U.S. stocks.”
Frightening statements, aren’t they?
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